Our planning consultants aim to give you a comprehensive understanding of the planning process. Ideally, we need to be involved during the initial design phase of your development, that way we can make you fully aware of any likely planning issues that may be encountered during the planning application process. We will meet with you to discuss your proposed development and discuss the next steps. We provide you with an idea of the estimated costs involved for the planning application, and work with you to minimise them. We will introduce you to our comprehensive list of services and give you an idea of where you could benefit from our help. Using our Local Planning Authority contacts, we will develop a plan to ensure that you have the highest possibility of receiving the planning permission that matches your development's requirements. We will undertake all required liaison with the local authority, and compile and submit all relevant supporting documentation to accompany your application. We are proud of our success rate for planning application consent. We will ensure that all possible issues have been discussed and that you are aware of any complications that might be raised. We cannot guarantee success of any planning application, but you can be assured that our reputation and previous track record ensures that you have the best possible chance of success. Please contact us for a no fee consultation to discuss your future development.